The Book of Mormon claimes to be "a volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible." Both the Bible and the Book of Mormon declare themselves to be ancient, historical, and reliable rules of faith--the very word of God. These claims have historically been taken on faith. But is there any evidence to support them one way or the other? Is it even possible to "test" a rule of faith? More to the point, is there any basis for placing one's faith in the Bible or the Book of Mormon? It's an important question. It's an eternal question. This presentation puts the Bible and the Book of Mormon to the same tests. History, archaeology, textual criticism, and other disciplines combine to shed light on what is true...and what is false. Truth never fears investigation. Faith need not--and should not--be blind. Discover for yourself which of these books is worthy of being called "scripture" and which is worth of your trust. Participants: Thomas W. Murphy, William Wilson, Philip Lindholm, Philip Johnston, Peter Williams, Simon Gathercole, Gabriel Barkay, and others
martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009
The Book of Mormon claimes to be "a volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible." Both the Bible and the Book of Mormon declare themselves to be ancient, historical, and reliable rules of faith--the very word of God. These claims have historically been taken on faith. But is there any evidence to support them one way or the other? Is it even possible to "test" a rule of faith? More to the point, is there any basis for placing one's faith in the Bible or the Book of Mormon? It's an important question. It's an eternal question. This presentation puts the Bible and the Book of Mormon to the same tests. History, archaeology, textual criticism, and other disciplines combine to shed light on what is true...and what is false. Truth never fears investigation. Faith need not--and should not--be blind. Discover for yourself which of these books is worthy of being called "scripture" and which is worth of your trust. Participants: Thomas W. Murphy, William Wilson, Philip Lindholm, Philip Johnston, Peter Williams, Simon Gathercole, Gabriel Barkay, and others
El hombre de Dios Dr. David Owuor, es EL PROFETA de los últimos tiempos del Señor. Profeta Dr. Owuor predica el mensaje eterno del Arrepentimiento y la Santidad en la preparación para el arrebatamiento de la iglesia, ordenado por nuestro Señor Jesucristo.(Lucas 24:46-47) El Señor lo está enviando a todas las naciones para preparar el camino del Señor a la iglesia de Cristo (la novia de Cristo) en Arrepentimiento, Santidad y Justicia, lista para el rapto glorioso, y para profetizar los señales del fin del mundo tal como terremotos, guerras, hambrunas, inundaciones y aflicciones (Mateo 24:3-7).
En la mayoría de las reuniones de avivamiento históricos y poderosos y conferencias por todo el mundo; ojos de los ciegos se han abierto, ojos creados, ciegos ven, los oídos sordos se han abierto, paralíticos han caminado, las personas han sido bautizados por el Espíritu Santo, la GLORIA SHEKINAH DE DIOS ha descendido en las reuniones y millones de personas se han entregado al Señor. Este es el avivamientos de los últimos tiempos y este último derramamiento del Espíritu Santo profetizado en la Biblia. Tal como en la Santa Biblia es profetizado.
Mal 4:4-6;Hch 3:17-26; Deu 18:15-19
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